Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Logjam Breaker

fountain pen on black lined paper

[Photo by Aaron Burden at Unsplash]

I'd approached the subject from several angles, adding new material, revising old theories, and jotting down case examples.

But something was missing and I was unsure as to what that elusive item might be.

Fortunately, yesterday brought a heavy rain to Phoenix so I left early for a doctor's appointment far out on the west side of the valley. Knowing that I'd probably arrive early, I brought along a briefcase of material and figured that I could review material while sitting in the car.

And that was when it all came together. Everything clicked. I don't think the revelation would have happened if I'd remained at my desk or if I'd left the briefcase behind or if I had rushed into the doctor's office.

Nothing earth-shaking, of course, but simply the old formula of a change of environment + materials at hand + no interruptions + enough time not to fill rushed. I'd say that another key item within the materials was a "Dingbats" notebook I carry around so I can preserve ideas. It contained some notes that were very helpful.


I will be trying that again on a few other vexing projects.

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