Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lincoln's Birthday

Born February 12, 1809. Died April 15, 1865.

Although commonly regarded as great, Abraham Lincoln rises in stature the more you learn more about him. Read the numerous biographies. Read Gore Vidal's novel about him. But to really get a sense of the man, thumb through his letters - I recommend the Library of America edition of the Speeches, Letters, Miscellaneous Writings, Presidential Messages and Proclamations - to enjoy the nature of an extraordinary man.

Some brief tastes of what you'll find:

Letter to General Irwin McDowell, May 28, 1862
"You say Gen. Geary's scouts report that they find no enemy this side of the Blue Ridge. Neither do I. Have they been to the Blue Ridge looking for them?"

Excerpt from a Stay of Execution for Nathaniel Gordon, a convicted slave trader who was sentenced to hang: "In granting this respite, it becomes my painful duty to admonish the prisoner that, relinquishing all expectation of pardon by Human Authority, he refer himself alone to the mercy of the common God and Father of all men."

Letter to Lieut Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, April 7, 1865
"Gen Sheridan says 'If the thing is pressed I think that Lee will surrender.' Let the thing be pressed."

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