Monday, March 09, 2015

Mr. Spock in the Workplace

The passing of Leonard Nimoy revived memories of Mr. Spock. 

Which of the following best describes how Mr. Spock would have fared in the average workplace?

a. His talent would have been recognized and he would have been rapidly promoted.
b. Due to his lack of empathy, he would have been the subject of labor grievances.
c. He would have been exiled to a specialist spot at a remote locale.
d. Other?


Dan in Philly said...

It all depends of Spock. If he decided the world should play by his rules,c. If he recognized that to get ahead, he would either have to develop or at least fake empathy, a.

Michael Wade said...


My guess is c. It was his nature and he probably lacked the ability to change it.
