Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Miscellaneous and Fast

Marshall Loeb on why early retirement is losing its appeal.

Shocking. Simply shocking.

Ed Driscoll has caught life imitating Lileks.

From the Ken Burns film "Baseball": Ted Williams's last time at bat.

Aside from poor diet and lack of exercise, this is the only reason why I don't have a six-pack. [HT: 2Blowhards ]

Need water? Cool Tools has the details on military-grade Camel-Baks.

Anne Fisher on work-at-home options that aren't rip-offs.


Eclecticity said...

Michael, thanks for sharing the piece on Ted W, especially on a day like today. What a man.

No one can say that Barry Bonds is not a great hitter. But many would disagree with him when he says that his record isn't tainted.

The Giants used to be "my" team growing up. I got to see Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, and Bobby Bonds as a child when the Giants would play a yearly exposition game at Santa Clara University. All the Catholic school kids would get out of class to go see the Giants play the Broncos.

Different times indeed.

I want A-Rod to stay healthy and surpass BB ASAP.

Michael Wade said...

I love watching Bonds play the game. Ted Williams, of course, was in a league of his won.

Michael Wade said...

P.S. Make that "league of his own."