Monday, February 11, 2008

21 Failure Techniques

  1. Focus on the actions of others instead of your own.

  2. Regard yourself as a victim.

  3. Don't learn the proper use of the language.

  4. Fail to manage your time and priorities.

  5. Stop developing your skills.

  6. Watch a lot of television.

  7. Hang around negative people.

  8. Get advice from losers.

  9. Be easily discouraged by setbacks.

  10. Don't just believe in luck, rely on it.

  11. Isolate yourself.

  12. Only act when conditions are ideal.

  13. Fail to pick your battles.

  14. Manipulate others.

  15. Take on too many projects.

  16. Don't use or meet deadlines.

  17. Neither ask for help nor help others.

  18. Be passionless.

  19. Ignore facts that go against your plans.

  20. Neglect your health.

  21. Drift.


Anonymous said...

Fascinating post Michael. I enjoyed this immensely and, unfortunately, this list is so prevalent in leadership today. Especially #2.

I was reminded of my time at West Point when I was allowed to respond using one of 4 choices. Among them was "No Excuse Sir". Accept responsbility, regardless of the situation, especially when you are in a leadership role.

Thanks for your writings. I enjoy them very much.

Michael Homula

Michael Wade said...


I was raised by a father whose favorite expression was "No alibis."