Monday, March 03, 2008


Professional athletes are noted for their superstitions. Wade Boggs ate chicken before his games. Other players have lucky shoes or shirts.

At the risk of prolonged ridicule, I'll confess that my superstition is neckties.

Granted, it is weird, but I've noticed that certain neckties seem to elicit a better reaction when I'm conducting training workshops. Other ties are more effective for meetings or one-on-one coaching.

My pseudo-scientific defense is that the design and color of certain ties may trigger some psychological response from the wearer or the audience. It may be akin to the negative reaction to the red "power tie" that was noted years ago after people began associating that apparel with politicians and lawyers.

Baseless superstition or astute assessment?


Anonymous said...

Clear it's astute assessment. Personally I have my training ties and my meeting ties and my church tie.

Michael Wade said...


I'm glad to hear that someone else has noticed the pattern!