Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Laughter at Work

I spent three years in weekly executive team meetings with the senior leaders of a company without hearing a single laugh—well, at least from them. I uttered, in my opinion, some remarkably funny statements now and again. But generally I was the only one to chuckle. Those were three lonely years.

Read the rest of Joseph Grenny here.


Kurt Harden said...

What a crime. Our executive staff meetings are peppered with jokes. I should add, they are also dosed with lots of thinking, tough discussion, give and take and analysis of important issues. The jokes make the hard work more rewarding. I would add that our executives are just as often the butt of jokes at all levels of the organization as anyone else - only the jokes are told in front of the executives. Laughter allows a trust and connection that stone-faced interactions can never achieve.

Michael Wade said...

A workplace without laughter is a sick workplace.