Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Biggest Workplace Sin

The traditional deadly sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Which one would you say has the worst effect in most workplaces?


Anonymous said...

In business, at least in the US, greed. In the workplace for me it's a tie between wrath (bullying) and pride, which can cause people to hoard knowledge.

Dan in Philly said...

Just like any other situation, the answer is pride of course. If you possess any other vice but are humble you can be aware of it and there's the chance you can repent or at least try to diminish the harmful effects of sin. If you are proud, you cannot see your own sins and will likely think them virtues.

With pride, there is little chance of change and redemption.

Michael Wade said...

Very interesting comments. Note the position of C.S. Lewis:



zak in workplace bullying said...

For me it has to be wrath with workplace bullying, this can bring the team down, cause sick leave and divide opinions.