Friday, December 14, 2007

The New Fall of Rome?

Evidence of Italy's age is everywhere: In parks, clutches of old ladies coo at a single toddler. On television, stars are craggy (median age for the presenters of this year's Miss Italia contest: 70. The winner, Silvia Battisti, was 18). In politics, Prodi is 68, Berlusconi is 71.

"The generational problem is the Italian problem," said Mario Adinolfi, 36, a blogger and aspiring politician. "In every country young people hope. Here in Italy there is no hope anymore.

"Your mom keeps you home nice and softly and you stay there and you don't fight. And if you don't fight, it is impossible to take power from anybody."
He added: "We don't have a Google. We can't imagine in Italy that a 30 year old opens a business in a garage."

Read the rest of the International Herald Tribune article on why the Italians are the unhappiest people in Europe.

[HT: Ed Driscoll ]

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