Saturday, February 09, 2008

Direct versus Indirect

Those of us who are direct...

  • Are upset when the same people who expect us to read their every little gesture and nuance act as if they specifically told us how they feel;

  • Prefer people to drop the background information and say exactly what they want;

  • Weigh our words carefully and expect others to do the same;

  • Don't say "yes" when we mean "no."

  • Are more interested in the message than in the relationship.

Those of us who are indirect...
  • Like to be read;

  • Are upset when we have to explain something that should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of sensitivity;

  • Listen for what is meant rather than what is said;

  • Don't say "yes" when we mean "no" but instead say either in a variety of ways;

  • Are more interested in the relationship than in the message.

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