Friday, February 08, 2008

Neglected Education

Theodore H. White once said that you should always try to find out what major a person studied as an undergraduate because that shows the individual's true interest far more accurately than some graduate degree that was obtained to get a job.

He was probably correct.

But here's a thought to carry that further:

Which classes do you regret not having taken?

[Confession: I'm sorry that amid all of the government, history, humanities, and law courses I managed to consume, my schedule didn't include a single class in psychology, art, geology, music, marketing, astronomy, or anthropology.]


Ironman said...

You should have gone for an engineering degree - your college education would have been more well-rounded!...

Although if I had to do it over again, I would have taken more business, economics and classical literature classes.

Michael Wade said...


That's what my father always said! Whenever we asked for career advice, he said, "Be an engineer."

Perhaps he meant Southern Pacific.

Anonymous said...

I did a double major in biology and chemistry (geek alert!) I had to choose a degree. My major advisor in biology talked all warm and fuzzy while my chem advisor said simply "you can always get a job as a chemist". Took his advice and I've been using that degree for over 30 years - even with the PhD in Plant Science I got along the way.

Michael Wade said...


It's amazing how many careers are launched on that crucial criterion. The PhD in Plant Science sounds pretty nifty.