Thursday, February 04, 2010

Meetings: When It is Time to Flee

The meeting was supposed to be exclusively on Topic A, then slowly drifted into Topic B.

Was that by happenstance or has someone moved the goal posts? If it is the latter, you need to determine if you are prepared for the adjustment and whether the switch makes sense.

Changing the topic is a favorite strategy of office weasels who lure their victims in with one subject and then clobber them with another. It can be entirely appropriate to say, "I'm not prepared to address that subject at this point. I was told this meeting was to be on an different topic and I'll need some time to reflect."

All well and good, but once you say that, you must not linger and get seduced into discussing the subject you said you would discuss. You must leave. Politely. With regrets. But out the door.

Off you go!

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