Friday, February 05, 2010

Question Time? No Thanks.

Peggy Noonan on why we don't need to import Question Time:

The American version might not translate so well. The Brits have a certain tradition of elegance in debate, and enjoy insulting each other. American politicians are more conflicted about obvious aggression, not about feeling it but showing it—it might not play well!—and so they tend to go under or over the line. "You lie!" "Yeah? Well you're blankin' developmentally challenged!" We will miss Fritz Hollings, the former Democratic senator who once said to then-Sen. John Glenn, in a presidential primary debate, "But what have you done in the world?"

[Execupundit note: I love watching Question Time in the House of Commons but seriously disagree with the implied notion that the ability to spar with opponents is a sign of good leadership. Truman or Eisenhower would not have fared well during Question Time but they were serious and substantive leaders.]

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