Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Meal, a Stroll, and a Crime Scene

Well fed and slightly tipsy, my date and I emerge from the restaurant’s air-conditioned confines and into the warm evening air. Lighting up a cigar I suggest we go for an after dinner stroll. Digesting red meat involves peristalsis. And as we walk past the fine shops and real estate agencies advertising homes costing a million bucks we find ourselves at the scene of a murder.

Read the rest of Waiter Rant here.

1 comment:

DarkoV said...

I had to read this article just to see how many other Google-It! words were used.

Well worth the read! Well written article about a small town I grew up near to. True to a "T" and quite disturbing.

Great link, Michael.

N.B.: No other Google-It! actions were required.