Thursday, September 02, 2010

Screen Technology

I confess to rushing right past this video at Eclecticity on the future of screen technology.*

Big mistake. It's fascinating and, I suspect, shows a world that is not far off. You'll want to see it.

[*I was eager to see if he'd discovered any new Serbo-Croatian poets. The man is the Indiana Jones of miscellany.]


DarkoV said...

Interesting part of this video was that in not one scene was anyone working....even whe they were at work.
So....anyone out there doing anything truly productive in the "New Screen Technology" world? Except, of course, the folks designing the new screen technology....

DarkoV said...

I missed the part about the Serbo-Croatian poet. What were you referring to?

Am not aware of anyone referring to themselves as Serbo-Croatian anything; either Serbian or Croatian or, for old times sake, Yugoslavian.

Eclecticity said...

DarkoV: He's talking about E. which is me. E.

Michael Wade said...


Please excuse any feeble attempts at humor. I was joking about Eclecticity.

On all matters Eastern European, I gladly defer to you.
