Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The College Essay and Boys

Dr. Helen review's Andrew Ferguson's book on his son's quest to get into college. An excerpt:

But his father knew the truth: "which was the masculine truth. He didn't remember the race because it proved the timeless value of persistence. He remembered the victory because it was a victory: he had competed against this classmates, friends and rivals alike, and beaten them soundly and undeniably, and earned the right to a sack dance in the end zone. He knew he couldn't say this, though, and I knew he was right."

And that pretty much sums it up for the rest of college. Trying to please a bunch of people who care more about a PC stance than critically thinking with passion. It's no wonder that boys and men are bypassing college.


Kurt Harden said...

My daughter's first college essay was on diversity. She asked me to review it tonight. She argued that skin color, gender, race and religion were poor measures of diversity. I prepared her for the "C".

I wonder when the essay on excellence will be requested?

Michael Wade said...


I know what you mean. My children told me about hearing strident anti-Bush lectures in classes that had nothing to do with politics, such as English and Spanish.

As you know, many college departments don't reflect a great deal of intellectual diversity.
