Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Random Thoughts

I wonder if heaven has a meter showing how much time we squandered deleting email. [Perhaps that's in hell.] Proposed sign for meeting rooms: "Check your ego at the door." Many of us can outdo our harshest critics twelve times before breakfast. What the office does to the leader can be as interesting as what the leader does to the office. "It's a priority" is very different from "It's the priority." If there are 20 people in a board meeting perhaps four or five are truly present. We would be humbled to know how little of our daily work matters. At the same time, we would be surprised to learn which of it matters enormously. You can't have it all and you certainly can't do it all. Choosing your areas of incompetence is an important part of any career plan. You can easily spot someone who, having attained a position of power, doesn't know what to do with it. It would be nice if each generation were given a magic envelope containing a list revealing which of its activities future generations will regard as insane. Keeping up on things may ensure that you fall behind on things. It was a wise person who first described some skills as "rusty." A frequent challenge is deciding which of the little things aren't little. Slow down to gain pleasure from a small task. Learn the power of being present and of being absent.

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