Friday, June 01, 2007

Possible Signs of Age Discrimination in the Job Interview

  1. Oral board deducts ten points every time you say "Cool" or "Far out."

  2. Receptionist offers to help you carry your notepad into the interview room.

  3. Your reference to Credence Clearwater Revival leads to questions about your religion.

  4. Board member asks if you knew Glenn Miller.

  5. You're the only one wearing a suit.

  6. You have to explain that your military service was not in the Army of the Potomac.

  7. Three questions into the interview, you are asked if you "need a breather."

  8. Everyone calls you "sir" or "ma'am" although they refer to colleagues as Twister and Phat Boy.

  9. The word "career" is never mentioned.

  10. During the discussion of computer skills, you are asked if you own a Commodore.


Unknown said...

But I do own a Commodore.

Michael Wade said...

Own it with pride! Just don't brag about your Pong scores during the interview.