Friday, September 05, 2008

E-Mail Oops

Stanley Bing looks at some classic e-mail blunders.


Larry Sheldon said...

Another tale from the dark ages...

Believe it or not there was a time before "voice mail". So there was a time when voice mail was new.

It happens that one of the early systems was installed, of all things, in the offices of a Telephone Company in a new "campus" of corporate offices (the same that launched the creator of "Dilbert", it turns out).

It also happens that there was once a Company Picnic or some such Team Building Exercise. One of the managers (of a rank that would have involved Mitres, purple shirts, and crooks in an earlier day) stopped by the office for some reason.

While there he composed a lengthy message for one of the (by definition female) clerks describing in fine detail what he would like to have done with the strawberries and whipped cream.

And dispatched it to the "all hands" group list.

There are some things that are bst just not done with blackpowder, voice mail, anf e-mail.

Maybe the legnth of time required to wald there will give your feeble mind time to save your ass.

Michael Wade said...


I've written many a letter that - thank God! - remained unsent.

Larry Sheldon said...

Somebody in my past taught that when things go very wrong, write the facts and conjectures in a cover-all-the-bases letter, then wait twenty-four hours, re-edit it and then send it if it still seems like a good idea.

That guy got a bunch of money to tell us that.

My grandmother said "Sleep on it" for free.

Michael Wade said...


That's worth a lot of money!