Monday, May 10, 2010

Wisdom from the Trenches

Employment attorney Michael P. Maslanka passes along a manager/friend's wisdom from the trenches. An excerpt:

Don't mess with an employee's family life. The gritty jobs are, for some employees, the best jobs they will ever have in their entire lives. Let me repeat that: ever, entire life. Some workers do not have promotions, more autonomy and more varied tasks to look forward to. As a result, work for them may not be -- as it is for many lawyers -- the alpha and the omega of their existence. Asking them to make sacrifices lawyers make routinely may not be reasonable. If someone needs time off for a family issue and you can swing it, let him take the time.


Unknown said...

Great post Michael. I'm lucky to have a boss that makes being family friendly a priority-which is tough when regular work hours are 1-9. It makes a big difference to staff and really isn't all that hard to do once you decide that the priority is having great staff.

Michael Wade said...


Thanks for commenting. You are fortunate to have a boss who has the right priorities. It can't be done in all circumstances and workplaces, of course, but bosses who miss the bigger picture make a devastating statement about their own skills.
