Friday, December 02, 2011

The Pace

I'm in the process of finalizing a class on customer service which means that I'm at the point where the pace must be honed.

Substance is important, of course, but all of the substance in the world won't help if the pacing is off. Bad pacing makes substance turn on itself and transforms wine into vinegar. This is the artistic part of workshop development and it requires a strong sense of what won't work. You gain that sense by standing in front of countless audiences and knowing what happens if a point is unclear or a skeptic is searching for flaws. You learn that your love for the material must not replace a strong connection with the audience and that their needs - not your passions - come first.

There must be a lively pace and a workshop that is a three course meal is more effective than one resembling a seven course dinner. The latter is self-indulgent and gives the audience too much to digest. They'll stumble to their cars.

In short, keep it moving and remember that if the substance is undeniable, less is more.

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