Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Invention: The Overhead Projector

There's a new invention that leaves PowerPoint in the dust.

It's called an overhead projector and here's its greatest advantage: Unlike the standard PowerPoint presentation in which the speaker has prepared the slides ahead of time, with the overhead projector you can use sheets with previously-prepared material or you can discuss points with the audience and write down or illustrate key points as the ideas evolve!

In other words, the overhead projector enables you to be closer to the concerns and thoughts of the audience. It gives you greater flexibility as a presenter and permits those in the back of a large room to see items that would never be visible on a flip chart.

You might think that the tools for jotting down your thoughts would be expensive. Not so! All that is needed are clear acetate sheets and a grease pencil or a marker. Some overhead projectors even permit you to rig up a roll of acetate so, as your presentation progresses, you simply crank the roll to get clean writing space. This is high tech at its best.

Just imagine!

  • No more being locked in by PowerPoint slides!

  • No more feeling frustrated by an inability to jot down a point that will clearly answer audience members' questions!

  • No more worry that the group is distracted by glitz and cute graphics!

  • No more expensive PowerPoint projector bulb bills!


Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I remember a cartoon in the New Yorker a few years ago of Satan sitting at his big desk in hell with one of his minions standing before him. Satan says, "I need someone to do torture. Do you know PowerPoint?"

Larry Sheldon said...

There are "HighTech" versions which provide a video signal, so ALL of the benifits of Power Point 9several screens, big screens, network feeds) are retained.

The acetates can be used as note-pads for later recovery.

Maria Fernandez Orlando, FL said...

Powerpoint allows you to write over the presentation with your owne notes if you want

Larry Sheldon said...

I always thought it was rude to stop mid-presentation to type stuff.

Writing on the acetate as part of what I'm doing doesn't seem so obtrusive.

Thje questions I am ready for are never the ones they ask.

And a good lot of what I know came as a followup to the response "I don't know the answer to that, give my your phone number or address and I'll get back to you (Now days I'd add "and I'll put it up on my blog at ....

And don't get me started on 35mm slides.

Ever wonder if captcha is like a Ouija Board? "enalsfu" Enough already, ......