Saturday, December 06, 2008

Coming Home

Richard Reeves writing about Hector Tobar, a Los Angeles Times correspondent who returned to the United States after spending several years in Mexico and South America. An excerpt:

Among the comforts Tobar sees is the traffic most Americans find maddening:

"Once a week or so, I am reminded that I am not in Mexico City by a small, everyday miracle of life here. A siren sounds in the distance. As it gets closer, all the cars around me part ways, in a synchronized dance. An ambulance or a fire truck speeds past, and seconds later, all the cars dance back into traffic.

"What happens when an ambulance hits crowded traffic in Mexico City? Few if any drivers move. The ambulance driver's strategy is to pull up to the bumper of the vehicle blocking his path and emit an ear-shattering siren blast.

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