Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Good Enough: Wants and Needs

Several years ago, I spoke with an executive about a service for his managers. It was rather innovative and would permit his managers to get some expert guidance on employee relations issues within a few hours.

He was enthusiastic at the beginning, but then wondered aloud if his managers would feel the need to be, to put it bluntly, that good. He said that unless a B or B+ manager was under the gun, the person might be happy to remain at that level, possibly because the person might regard his or her work as A level.

He had a point. In fact, I've noticed that the people who are most inclined to seek management assistance are the genuine A level performers. That's how they got there and that's how they stay there.

All of which brings up a marketing observation: Sometimes, those who want a product don't need it that much and those who need it the most don't want it.


Eclecticity said...

You betcha. Great last sentence / insight. Put that in your next book and smoke it. ;-) E.

Michael Wade said...


I'm scribbling.

